A Note To Younger Self.

2 min readJun 20, 2022

Regards, The Future You.

Rewinding all the past and I see you, little and naive, confused about the decisions and paths. It stuns me to have a look at how far and successful you’ve destined me. You have for sure a long path to travel to reach your dreams but the good thing is you’ve already started the journey.

Every wait has a worth.

At this time you would be feeling lost due to your surroundings, environmental influence, and trends, but take a deep down break to introspect your interests, plans, motive, and your ultimate goal, it will for sure help you figure out who you want to be and how you want to carve your future self as.

Go extremes, To know your Potential.

I’m sure, you have a lot more potential to accomplish your desires than you think or believe. Every maestro was a beginner once. Don’t expect all the situations can be dealt the same way at the same pace or speed. At times, you would confront complex situations, that might break you down, but that’s not the real YOU I know. The younger me would stand up, and get back to fulfill the purpose and desires, missioned to reach my position.


“Realization leads to action.”

Be the Columbus of your story.

Everyone are in strive for that one moment where they find their true purpose. This is the moment that leads them to build action that serves a true meaning. I’m sure you would find this during your exploration, and all of your chases would eventually have meaning that would answer all your quests. Perhaps, you need to build patience, consistency, and perseverance in the go. Let your actions create more meaning than words.


Define your outcome and not the end output.

Go on kid, the future self awaits your presence. Carve on to become one of the best sculptures of all times. Remember, you’ve come too far and you are closer than you think in reaching your ultimate destination.

“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.”

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A passionate writer and much inclined and interested in the tech field. I like mending thoughts and creativity and create magic in words.