This is why only the top 1% succeed.

5 min readMar 10, 2022

What’s stopping you? Is that YOU and your EXCUSES that’s stopping the real you from reaching your dreams?

Our future is carved by our very own vision.
Our future is carved by our very own vision.

The extent of challenges doesn’t matter if you have a strong will to accomplish and chase your desired dreams. The moment you realize — now is the best time to start and explore, no force can stop you from doing it. This minute may seem like 60 eye blinking seconds but because successful people know the importance and consequences of ignoring a minute, they are SUCCESSFUL in their career.

Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing.

Time and skills are the healthiest investments one can do, and the rest are its by-product. If one can understand to manage and monitor this very fact, every other thing will show up in the way. In today’s world where nothing but only skills and time matter, procrastination shouldn’t even be infineteth thought of someone. One can be slow but not a procrastinator.

Be the earliest to plan and execute because there are hundreds who have dreams in their mind but only a countable execute to carve it out into reality. Statistics say only 24% go on to chase their dreams, and the rest give up even before they start. As the saying goes-Early bird gets the worm. Do not procrastinate the “now” that you have.


You never know the opportunities waiting in the path, so just start with a plan in your mind. All one needs to have is a vision for the first 20 feet and you’ll eventually head up the entire path. Initially, it may seem “out of the comfy zone”, but this small thing of making out plans and schedules can create wonders.

Have a checkbox. Set smaller timely goals to accomplish. One has to be consistent enough in this process.

Calendars and task reminders are great tools to help one keep track of their events. They help you in pulling out from procrastination. And just remember all the dreams and goals you’ve been chasing for this long time.

The truth is you don’t have time but still you can do it.

Time and tide wait for none.

Yeah..!! Prioritizing the right things at the right time can make a huge difference in the lives of one. Pushing all the things at once will lead to mediocrity. Priorities are like a laser. The laser beam has to be highly focused for one to enjoy its purpose. Also, a laser beam that is highly diverged cannot be called a laser rather it’s called a torch.


Barriers and obstacles are created to shape one stronger than before. It is all about how one overcomes it and grow themselves. Never lose faith in your hard work and dedication because one’s hard work and dedication will sure be paid off.

The key to change is within you.

Some days might be foggy and misty, ambiguous about the next step in the journey. In such situations, patiently wait for the fog to clear out and keep working even in those cloudy, misty days.

A fire may lose its flames at times but that doesn’t mean it’s been extinguished. The fire is still on; it just needs some wind for its true potential to be brought into the frame. Likewise, it is sometimes okay for a person to feel zoned out. One is capable of doing anything, just believe in your very soul and the time you spend on your dreams.


The closer, the more focused it gets.

According to statistics, it is very hard to keep up the focus for more than 50 mins on a task. Exercises like- yoga, meditation, etc, and chill beat songs can help us energize and bring us back to our focus. Hourly breaks can help us maintain the flow and rhythm of work.

Books are a great mind refresher. Taking snaps of novels, poems, or storybooks will do the same job. One can also have some time sitting in the garden, balconies, or parks. The cold and fresh breeze can refresh us from any stress.

One cannot continuously do the same job for hours; this leads to inefficiency of the task. One should try having alternate side hobbies to shift the focus, that is, look out for side hobbies. This enhances the working of the brain. This also makes sure that equal importance is given to both left and right brains. A healthy mind leads to an efficient and healthy task.


Don’t fear the talented, fear the persistent ones.

It doesn’t even matter if you’re starting from scratch; all that adds up to your goal are 3 worth things:

1. Consistency

2. Perseverance and

3. Patience

Have equal belief in your work and dreams. Remember the very core purpose you started the journey for.

Doing big things doesn’t define your passion. Doing small things consistently is what defines a true passion. Every big journey starts with a failure, it is this consistency that transforms all the failures into success and eventually carves their career out. It is the journey one undergoes with patience that transforms into becoming a stronger person.


The fear of failure is temporary but the pain of regrets is permanent.

Never lose a min that can get you closer to your dreams. Obstacles are temporary, they just make one stronger. Quitting or procrastinating won’t change things or situations. Get down to work and chase your dreams because losing this sec will make you regret it later.

Have faith, Hustler, It’s just the beginning.

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A passionate writer and much inclined and interested in the tech field. I like mending thoughts and creativity and create magic in words.